Removed Rows Based On Dupe And Missing Value Logic

Hey hey - I have an problem that I’m going in circles with that I can’t resolve:

I need to end up with a datatable where the dupes are removed (easy enough). However, for each set of two dupe rows, I need to check:

  1. Is DateCol populated in both? If yes, then remove either.
  2. Is DateCol populated in only one? If yes, then delete the one that is not populated.
  3. Is DateCol populated in neither? If yes, delete either one of them (e.g. first instance).

I would expect this example table on the left to end up like the output table on the right:

Any help greatly appreciated!

Below is the VB code generated by GPT.
Let me know if it didn’t work.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Linq

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' Sample DataTable
        Dim dt As New DataTable()
        dt.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))
        dt.Columns.Add("DupeCol", GetType(String))
        dt.Columns.Add("DateCol", GetType(DateTime))

        ' Sample Data
        dt.Rows.Add("John", "A123", DBNull.Value)
        dt.Rows.Add("Alice", "A123", #2025-01-01#)
        dt.Rows.Add("Bob", "B456", DBNull.Value)
        dt.Rows.Add("Eve", "B456", DBNull.Value)
        dt.Rows.Add("Frank", "C789", #2025-05-01#)
        dt.Rows.Add("Grace", "C789", DBNull.Value)

        ' Group by DupeCol
        Dim duplicateGroups = dt.AsEnumerable() _
            .GroupBy(Function(row) row("DupeCol")) _
            .Where(Function(group) group.Count() > 1)

        Dim rowsToRemove As New List(Of DataRow)

        For Each group In duplicateGroups
            Dim groupRows = group.ToList()

            If groupRows.Count = 2 Then
                Dim row1 = groupRows(0)
                Dim row2 = groupRows(1)

                Dim date1Populated = Not IsDBNull(row1("DateCol"))
                Dim date2Populated = Not IsDBNull(row2("DateCol"))

                If date1Populated AndAlso date2Populated Then
                    ' Both populated: Remove either
                ElseIf date1Populated Xor date2Populated Then
                    ' Only one populated: Remove the one without a date
                    rowsToRemove.Add(If(date1Populated, row2, row1))
                    ' Neither populated: Remove the first
                End If
            End If

        ' Remove the rows
        For Each row In rowsToRemove

        ' Display the updated DataTable
        Console.WriteLine("Updated DataTable:")
        For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
            Console.WriteLine($"{row("Name")}, {row("DupeCol")}, {row("DateCol")}")
    End Sub
End Module

Easiest solution i could think of is as given below

  1. Sort the Datatable using Column DateCol in descending order ’
  2. Use linq query to remove duplicate based on a specific column
    dtTable = dtTable.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(r) r.Field(of String)(“DupeCol”)).Select(Function(s) s.First()).CopyToDataTable

Attaching sample project folder for your reference. Let me know your feedback (124.0 KB)


Welcome to the community

Please try this

Dt.AsEnumerable.OrderByDescending(function(x) Cdate(x(0).ToString)).GroupBy(function(x) x(1).ToString).Select(function(x) Dt.LoadDataRow({x.First()(0).ToString,x.Key,x.First()(2).ToString},False)).CopyToDataTable
