Remove letters/words from excel

Hi all,

How can I remove letters or words from excel? For Example: I have “Today’s Date ( 10 Apr 2019 )” in A1 of my excel sheet. I want only 10 April 2019 from the whole sentence. So how to remove?

Please help. Thanks in advance!

Hi SwetaP,

Can you provide sample Excel file.


Hi @SwetaP,

Please find the attached flow as your recuirement
test.xaml (5.9 KB)

Thanks varunk and Gouda_6!


System.text.regualrexpression.match(“Todays date(10 apr 2019)”,“((.*?))”).value

Just replace hardcoded string with your string variable.

Store the whole string in a variable lets say datevar.
You can use split functions like:

Split(datevar,“( “)(1)
Split(datevar,” )”)(0)

Output: 10 Apr 2019