How to remove the entire rows from already existing excel file using uipath? Also, I want to use a substring to remove that row. Please help me with this. Here are the required files
texas.xaml (37.5 KB)
texas.xlsx (9.9 KB)
I want to remove the rows which has the substring “adredir?ad_business_id” in the URL. Thanks for helping
Hi @Nikhil_Khapre,
- Use read range activity and store in datatable.
2 Use for each row and use an if activity - In if activity use the condition row(“column of url”).tostring.contains(“adredir?ad_business_id”)
- When the above condition is true use remove datarow activity and pass the row variable.
Please find attach example (29.0 KB)
- Read the excel in data table
- Use Filter Data Table activity to remove rows which has the substring “adredir?ad_business_id” in the URL column
- remove all rows from the excel sheet (if you want output data on same excel sheet / workbook)
4)Write data to excel from the output data table used in the Filter Data Table activity.
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