Remove duplicate rows between two tables

Hi Guys,

I have two tables, Table A and Table B below (Sample)

Table A

UniqueID Col A Col B
ABC111 ABC 111
DEF222 DEF 222
GHI333 GHI 333
JKL444 JKL 444
MNO555 MNO 555
PQR666 PQR 666
STU777 STU 777
WVX888 WVX 888

Table B

UniqueID Col A Col B
ABC111 ABC 111
DEF222 DEF 222
GHI333 GHI 333
JKL444 JKL 444

What I am trying to do is remove all the rows from Table A (Based on UniqueID) that have same value in Table B(Based on UniqueID).
I have a solution in hand but its nested loops and I want to avoid that as there are more than 16K rows in both the table.

Can anyone give me an idea how to do this?


Hi @Devbrath_Rajkhua,

Here is a sample :slight_smile:



Find a demo XAML here:
Devbrath_Rajkhua.xaml (11.1 KB)

Let us know your open questions


Hi @Devbrath_Rajkhua

Have you tried to use the Vlookup table activity and then filter based on Nulls? I think these 2 steps would do it without loops.

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Hi @Nithin_P,

Thanks of the link. It was really helpful in solving the problem.


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Hi @ppr,

Thanks for the attached workflow, it kinda resolved all my issues with the problem. Got to learn something new. Just wanted to know one thig, the query used, is that a dot net query?


Hi @Jorge_Rincon,

Thanks for the idea. I am not that good with the Vlookups but will give a shot.


LINQ is a query language that can be used within the .Net framework. It help us much to do things in a shorter way. For more information on this topic have a look here:

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