Hi - I want to remove duplicates based on Cols : Inv & PO
Attaching image with original & desired data. (excel sheet is read as Datatable)
It would be great if someone helps, promptly.
Hi - I want to remove duplicates based on Cols : Inv & PO
Attaching image with original & desired data. (excel sheet is read as Datatable)
It would be great if someone helps, promptly.
hi @gsripada
first of all you have to install UiPath.Core.Activities package…
then use the remove duplicate range activity…
hpy learning
Give a try on:
(From d in datatablevar.AsEnumerable()
Group d By inv= d(“Inv”), po=d(“PO”) into grp=Group
Select grp.First()).CopyToDatatable()
use this statement within an assign activity and get returned a datatable.
There are many ways to do this:
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