Regular Expressisons

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Tried with single line its working, however the same workflow is not working for multiple lines, is there any way to handle that?

Error For Record 2 : 1234559remarks
Error Message :The code is generated.

Error For Record 2 : 1234560numeric
Error Message :The code is not generated.

Error For Record 2 : 1234562numeric
Error Message :The code is not generated.

Now which value , you want from this string, “1234560” or “1234562”?


We will get both the expression from the regex,


exactly, but how do we get it in uipath

Sequence1.xaml (6.8 KB) string.txt (238 Bytes)

Check this workflow,
Main (3).xaml (6.9 KB)


Cool Dude, its working fine

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