Regix help

Here i need extract only BOLD highlighted text share me your solutions
Customer PO No, : MEDIA Z-2200001565

Customer PO No. 2200001453 29/08/20

Customer PO No, : 2200001453 30/08/20

Customer PO No. : MIRKAAZ-2200001472 FCA: Hadley Jebel Ali Warehouse’FCA Hadley Jebel Ali Wi

Customer PO No, : 2200001420 U / Gyproc

Customer PO No. : 2200001525 Delivery Date :

Customer PO No, : 2200000690 Gyproc

Customer PO No, : 2200001514 TAX INVOICE

Customer PO No, : 2200001514 TAX INVOICE


Try this Regex pattern in UiPath:
(?<=Customer PO No(\.|\,|\s+)\s*(:*)\s*)([\w-]+\d{10}|MEDIA\s[A-Z].\d+|\d{10})

It won’t work on but will work in UiPath :slight_smile: To preview it enter it into

Screenshot here:

Feel free to check out my Regex MegaPost