Registros/Logs de la herramienta

Buenas tardes, alguien sabe si la herramienta genera algun tipo de registros o logs en el disco C, aun cuanto la instalacion esta en un disco E? algo de la heramienta me esta colapsando el disc C y no logro indentificarlo.


If your base installation (OS is installed) on the E drive then you will have the logs in E drive

UiPath logs are generated and stored in the appdata\local

muchas gracias por tu respuesta.
Te pregunto, sabes si estos registros los puedo eliminar/Borrar?

You need to delete those files for once? You can delete the execution logs. No harm to UiPath studio. It is just to have

Also, if you need to disable the logging you can do it by following steps. This will nut generate any local logs when you run studio processes.

In the <Installation Folder>\UiPath.Studio.exe.config file

simply set the minlevel tag to ”Off” , as you can see below:
<rules> <logger name="*" minlevel="Off" writeTo="AsyncTarget" /> </rules>

More information here

Muchas gracias!!!

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