Register data to the Dataservice to from the uipath Apps

I like to register the data to the Data Service from the apps that created by the uipath Apps .
i been watched how to contact the studio and app on youtube.but still i have 2 questions here.
the work flow is like whenever the orders come, i like to register the order detail in the apps and then saved into the DataService.

1.According to my apps Screen, should the data table be one table or two tables?
Two tables is company table and order table. One table has all of its fields.
*company can order one or more things.

2.How to input data recordS to the data service by one time?
I have seen youtube videos that shown for only one record.
Thank you so much for your time

Tagging @evan.cohen and @Venkata_Rajendran

Hey @eimon!

You can do this with a process today, but you might want to wait for the Public Preview of direct Apps + Data Service integration, which will be available in the next week or so. It’s exactly what you need for this! Keep an eye out on the forum for an announcement.

I’ll include some instructions in the announcement post for how to do this :slight_smile:


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