Regex variable "Null" when trying to debug

I have the workflow I needed to debug:

  1. MEInfo2 variable has below regex:

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(MEInfo,“(?<=MAIN ENGINE\s)(.+?(?=\sAUXILIARY|\sPROPULSOR|\sPOS|\sOTHER|\sCARGO|\sENVIRONMENTAL|\sENERGY|\sLIFTING|\sBOILER|\sEMERGENCY))”).ToString.Trim

  1. MESplitArray has below regex:


Below is the data that will be used for extract:

MAIN ENGINE 2 x Diesel - WinGD 6X72DF - 2-stroke 6-cyl. 720mm x3086mm bore/stroke 26,530mkW total at 69.10rpm.
AUXILIARY 2 x Aux. Diesel Gen. - 4-stroke driving 2 x HD Hyundai Electric HSJ9 811-10P - AC generator(s) at 7,380ekW total, (9,225kVA total) 6600V at 50Hz. 2 x Aux. Diesel Gen. - 4-stroke driving 2 x HD Hyundai Electric HSJ9 803-10P - AC generator(s) at 5,540ekW total, (6,925kVA total) 6600V at 50Hz.
PROPULSOR 2 x FP Propeller (Aft) (mechanical), 69.10rpm.
ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT 2 x Selective Catalytic Reduction - NOx - Unknown. 2 x BWTS - Ballast Water Treatment System - SunRui BC-3000 at 3000cu.m/hr.
EMERGENCY 1 x Emergency Diesel Gen. - 4-stroke driving 1 x ac generator(s) at 50Hz.

When I run in debug mode, the MESplitArray is “Null”, I am trying to understand what this variable does and why is it Null.

The variable MESplitArray will later be used in For Each:

Hi @Irfan_Musa

Try the below one:

  1. MEInfo2 variable has below regex:
MEInfo2 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(MEInfo,"(?<=MAIN ENGINE\s)(.+?(?=\sAUXILIARY|\sPROPULSOR|\sPOS|\sOTHER|\sCARGO|\sENVIRONMENTAL|\sENERGY|\sLIFTING|\sBOILER|\sEMERGENCY))").Value.Trim
  1. MESplitArray has below regex:
MESplitArray= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(MEInfo2,".\s(?=\d\sx)")

Hope it helps!!


In my environment, your expression returns the following result. (But number of items is 1)

Can you share your expected output?


@Yoichi , the screenshot is the desired output , as per my understanding the info after “MAIN ENGINE” will be further breakdown to smaller pieces in the For Each


Can you share specific expected output?


Hi @Irfan_Musa

Actually your split condition is returning null value. Can I know what are you trying to split from the before result so that I can help you with the modified condition.


The desired output is this part:

2 x Diesel - WinGD 6X72DF - 2-stroke 6-cyl. 720mm x3086mm bore/stroke 26,530mkW total at 69.10rpm

From my end the result is showing this :

The desired output is this part:

2 x Diesel - WinGD 6X72DF - 2-stroke 6-cyl. 720mm x3086mm bore/stroke 26,530mkW total at 69.10rpm

From my end the result is showing this :


For now can you try the following sample? (2.8 KB)

If it works well, can you check difference of them?



What is your expected output of your SplitArray. Specify.


In my regex expression it has a "" at the front. I tried removing it and it still gives the same “null” result

I am not sure why the forward slash "\ " is not showing


It’s forum specification as Back slash is special character.

Can you try to remove back slash just before .? . means any character but \. means dot literal.

Or can you share your workflow as file?


I am not entirely sure but this is the part is the desired output:

2 x Diesel - WinGD 6X72DF - 2-stroke 6-cyl. 720mm x3086mm bore/stroke 26,530mkW total at 69.10rpm

It will be use in For Each for If:

For Else:

And it will break down further with For Each variable in RegexMENO:


if expected output :

2 x Diesel - WinGD 6X72DF - 2-stroke 6-cyl. 720mm x3086mm bore/stroke 26,530mkW total at 69.10rpm

can you check this regex regex101: build, test, and debug regex


Hi @Irfan_Musa

Try the below one:

  1. MEInfo2 variable has below regex:
MEInfo2 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(MEInfo,"(?<=MAIN ENGINE\s)(.+?(?=\sAUXILIARY|\sPROPULSOR|\sPOS|\sOTHER|\sCARGO|\sENVIRONMENTAL|\sENERGY|\sLIFTING|\sBOILER|\sEMERGENCY))").ToString.Trim

MEInfo2 is of DataType IEnumberable(System.Text.RegularExpression.Match)

Use this variable i.e MEInfo2 in For Each.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Yoichi ,

I have removed it and it still shows “null”
I can’t share my workflow since it has credentials info.

I can share some screenshot of my currentwork flow:

Variable MEInfo2:

MESplitArray :

For Each with IF:

For Each with Else:

For Each within var RegexMENo:


it may be line break matter. Can you try the following expression?

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(MEInfo,"(?<=MAIN ENGINE\s+)(.+?(?=\s+AUXILIARY|\s+PROPULSOR|\s+POS|\s+OTHER|\s+CARGO|\s+ENVIRONMENTAL|\s+ENERGY|\s+LIFTING|\s+BOILER|\s+EMERGENCY))").ToString.Trim
