Regex to get substrings

I want to get the company name and the amount :

Total for : Company1 - Test Distribution 0.00
Total for : Company2 - Test Distribution -2384.24
Total for : Test Company - Test Distribution 21713.36

output :
Company1, 0.00
Company2, -2384.24
Test Company, 21713.36

Hi @AhmedKutraphali
Try this regex pattern
(?<=Total for : ).*(?= - Test Distribution)|(?<=Test Distribution ).*


Nived N

Happy Automation

Does not work

Hi @AhmedKutraphali

I had updated my regex pattern

Please check

How can we join the 2 outputs in a single string ? like Company1, 0.00 like comma sperated ? Thanks

(?<=Total for : )(.*?)(?= \- ).*?(\-?[\d,.]+)

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