Hi All,
I need to get employee ID and Action values using regex method and our employee ID would be mix of 5 digit Numeric and char , How to write regex command for this , can anyone help on this .
e.g “Employee ID 123TY”, " Action Hire "
Hi All,
I need to get employee ID and Action values using regex method and our employee ID would be mix of 5 digit Numeric and char , How to write regex command for this , can anyone help on this .
e.g “Employee ID 123TY”, " Action Hire "
Try this
To get employee id
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(txtStr,“Employee ID (\w{5})”).Groups(1).Value
Does action value always start with keyword action? or is it always after employee id?
Can you put an example of your input and your desired output?
For employe id you can try this way
System.Text.RegularExpression.Regex.Match(“Employee ID 123TY”,“(?<=Employee ID[\s*])[A-Z0-9]{5}”).Value
For the reference you can see the screen shot
If your employee I’d is like this 12345A five numbers with one character.
Then use the below regular expression
If your Input is like this Employee ID 123TY as you given in the query.
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(yourstringinput.ToString,“((?<=Employee ID\s+)\d+\w+)”)
Hope it helps!!
strinput: Employee ID 12345TZY
output: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(strinput,"[A-Z0-9]+[0-9A-Z]+\n").Value
Both strinput
and output
variables are of datatype System.String.
Hope it helps!!
(?<=Employee ID\s*)\d{4}[A-Za-z]
Implementation System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str,"Pattern").Value
Hope this helps
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