example of my string
1234 test TEST 1234567
from here I need to get 5 digits. Normally the second number has 5 digits, but it happenes that is has more. Then I would need to get first 5 digits from it.
Can you help me here?
example of my string
1234 test TEST 1234567
from here I need to get 5 digits. Normally the second number has 5 digits, but it happenes that is has more. Then I would need to get first 5 digits from it.
Can you help me here?
Hi @camaro123
Check the below assign syntax:
Input = "1234 test TEST 1234567"
Output = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Input,"\b\d{5}").Value.Trim()
Hope it helps!!
Hi @camaro123
Please try using the regex to extract the data.
\b - represent the boundary of the text
\d - represent the number format in regex
\d{5} - represent the 5 number to get conjugative
\b\d{5} - represent get only the boundary of the 5 digit number.
UiPath Code using Assign Activity:
number = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(myinput,"\b\d{5}").Value.Trim()