Regex based Extractor on table

I was using Document Understanding Process to extract the data from the pdf.
While using regular template approach , the data is not extracted properly. So I switched to Regex based extractor but I don’t know how to extract the data from line items.

Outer Case Code Tesco Number Item Description Qty (Supplier Units)

1 01001000154624 QWERTY 200
1 01001000198765 %%%% 200
1 01001000117265 ABCD EFGH IJKL 894
1 01001000198765 BDGFISJ BSHDJEB EFHFE 945
1 94851000198765 QWEROO EFHFE 300.499

This is the sample table data and field names are SI.No,Outer case code , Tesco Number,Item Description,qty(Supplier Units)

Hello @agathiyanv

So in the extractor are you getting the data as below?

1 01001000154624 QWERTY 200
1 01001000198765 %%%% 200
1 01001000117265 ABCD EFGH IJKL 894
1 01001000198765 BDGFISJ BSHDJEB EFHFE 945
1 94851000198765 QWEROO EFHFE 300.499


These data is the output of Digitize Document and I need to extract the data and store it in excel

Bro, did you get the solution?