ReFramework - Using Queue or Excel for Transaction Item?


Can someone guide me on this ?

If in the Practical Certification exam there is no mention of creating Queue and getting transaction data from Queue, in that case is it good idea to use Queue or excel/data table for Transaction Item ?


HI @AjitNayak,

Use Excel , as when you will submit code , they we not have access to your queue.

Thank You
Shubham Pratap


Thank you @Shubh1801

Hi @Shubh1801

It was mentioned to use “ACME_Credential” in the config file.
This means do I need to create an Asset in Orchestrator ? If I do that, then they’ll not have access to Assets as well.

Please guide.


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Hi @AjitNayak,

Yes store them in excel.

Thank you
Shubham Pratap


do I need to store both UserName and Password under “ACME_Credential” or just the UserName ? I believe password should be encrypted (by using “Get Password” activity)


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Hi @AjitNayak,

Yes store both in excel you can use below activity to encrypt password.

And i think you can store password as plain string in excel, and change the portal password as your results are out

Thank You,
Shubham Pratp

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