Developing test automation and writing test cases using reframework is good ort not?iam developing usiung reframework
Developing test automation and writing test cases using reframework is good ort not?iam developing usiung reframework
Hi @sathya_giri ,
While there is a separate folder for test case specific automations in REFramework, we had to develop our own framework because our customer had something else in mind.
If you are building simple test cases then by all means go with REFramework.
If you’re customer is looking for something customized, then you might have to build a framework that suits their needs.
Our customer wanted the assertions to be logged into Excel along (with screenshots) with a specific template.
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
@sathya_giri - REFramework is meant for Process Automation and for testcases we have to develop our own framework that has the feasibility and adaption for BDD - Given when then structure.
If a new framework is build once, we can use the same across projects. We did the same.
Vignesh babu
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