Please unstuck on these reframework quizzes
@Latifa First C
Second C
Third B
Hi @Latifa
Option B.
Note: Uploaded the image for reference
Option C
Option B
Explanation: The Initialization state is used to perform necessary process before processing transactions. This is where you would typically initialize variables, set up application connections, and read input data. The First Run sequence is specifically designed to handle the initial run of the process and perform tasks that need to be executed only once at the beginning. Reading the data from the Excel file and storing it in a global DataTable variable would be part of this initialization process.
Hope it helps!!
Cx[quote=“Parvathy, post:4, topic:553685, full:true”]
Hi @Latifa
Option B.
Note: Uploaded the image for reference
Option C
Option B
Explanation: The Initialization state is used to perform necessary process before processing transactions. This is where you would typically initialize variables, set up application connections, and read input data. The First Run sequence is specifically designed to handle the initial run of the process and perform tasks that need to be executed only once at the beginning. Reading the data from the Excel file and storing it in a global DataTable variable would be part of this initialization process.
Hope it helps!!
@Latifa brother for first question option C is also correct one because it varies toversion of studio
…in my studio RE framework set transaction state is in finally block
Option B would be wrong…as if you observe in the latest version od REF set transaction status is called in try and also catch blocks …in the old versions its called only in finally…
If you mark B then its partial answer and the exam refers to 21.x where the set transaction status xaml is in finally only. So the correct would be C.
Hope this helps
Thanks for clarifying
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