KillAllProcess.xaml implementation.
** Give process names to kill in a list in argument
** Try killing each name in the list and log warn if process was not killed
Initialization state
** Retry mechanism for the Init All Applications invoke workflow.
I saw someone, somewhere who had made a modification to check - after each transaction - for waiting jobs that had a higher priority. Then, if you were running a medium priority job with (let’s say) 1000 queue items, and a high priority job was pending, then the medium priority job would pause, give space to the high priority job, and then pick up again afterwards.
Also, I talked to someone last week who suggested some basic reporting capability, just like an excel file with each transaction id, succes/fail and any other relevant info.
Never thought of this situation, related to the medium priority and high priority jobs. This would be very helpful. I will add that to the issues in Git Hub.
Sure thing, I’ve implemented and seen reporting in other environments. In the next cycles I intend to identify the best spots to put this. I am firstly developing a module to send emails, and then I will think for the better place to put them.