Reframework error in get transaction item

iam getting error in out transaction item showing Assign: There is no row at position -1.

i think the value of in_TransactionNumber is 0
Kindly make in_TransactionNumber as 1
Generally the value of in_TransactionNumber is 1
out_TransactionItem = io_dt_TransactionData(in_TransactionNumber)
keep it as it is

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Use the value as out_TransactionItem = io_dt_TransactionData(in_TransactionNumber)

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Hello @sathya_auto
Could you please let me Know the Value assigned to teh Out_transactionItem?
is it io_dt_transactionData.Rows(in_transactionnumber-1)?

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Thank you for the Information @sathya_auto
Try Giving io_dt_TransactionData.Rows(in_TransactionNumber), Because in your case I think the Default value for in_transactionNumber is 0, so if you give (in_TransactionNumber-1) it will be a negative value.
If you have any further Queries , Do let me know

thankyou guys
Happy Automation

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