ReceivedTime filtering in GetOutlookMailMessage Activity not working

Im struggling to filter only the emails that are received yesterday I’ve tried every filter mentioned in relevant topics in forum but it doesn’t seem to work
what I’ve tried:

  1. “[ReceivedTime]>=’ “+now.addDays(-1).toshortdatestring+” ’ and [ReceivedTime]<=’ “+now.addDays(-1).tostring+” '”

  2. "@SQL= urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived = ‘yesterday’ "

My TOP parameter in properties is 10 (take only top 10 mails)

Every time the total filtered mail counts is 0

Kindly try like this
“[ReceivedTime] >= ‘ " + Now.AddDays(-1).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt”) +” ‘ "

Cheers @Abdur

Thanks for helping out but i tried
and it worked

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