Hi Team,
I have a requirement where in I am getting mails of different type like new mails and mail chains as well , so my requirement is to read the top most mail in a mail chail and not the other emails in that chain, please suggest me some thing .I am using getoutlookmailmessage activity but when I am iterating the list and printing the body in case of single mails it is fine but for mail chains it shows the entire chain nd not the top most reply
Hi @Ritika_Singh
make sure top count will be given according to ur need …basically this helps u in getting top list of messages in your inbox
Hi @nikhil.girish ,
My requirement is different I want the topmost from a mail chain , not from the whole inbox list, If you can please help
Hi @Yoichi ,
Any input and suggestion from your end would be really appreciated
We can identify id of some e-mail message using Message-ID in mail header.
In UiPath, we can get it as the following.
strMessageID = mail.Headers("Message-ID")
mail is MailMessage instance.
And there is In-Reply-To and/or References in mail header if the mail is replied mail. And Message-Id of original mail is described there.
strInReplyTo = mail.Headers("In-Reply-To")
So, we can create mail-chain using the above information in theory.
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