Reading keywords from a mail body say "translate" and pick up the value "Dutch"

try listGetGmail.Count.ToString after GetIMAP mail messages activity

check this as well

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It is showing count as 1…now I need those values from the mail

Looks like its working, try to log (writeline) more steps and see where it is freezing.

I think since there is no exit condition it is going on running in the background if you see the 0’s. But if I need to retrieve those values and feed to the web recording how do I proceed from here

Now I am able to extract the values correctly and store them in variables.

Next should I create 2 more workflows one for web scraping another for pasting it in google translate?

And after invoking the web scraping workflow how do i pass the variables which I have already extracted.
Please see these are variables not arguments.

You can use Type Info activity for using your variables during web scraping.Hope it helps.