I am reading an excel file using Read range activity and it throws me exception “Invalid Hyperlink: Malformed URI is embedded as a hyperlink in the document, Exception type: OpenXmlPackageException”. I have attached the excel with dummy data. If i delete some data from sheet “Data”, then it works fine. But i can not do it in the live environment. Please let me know how it can be resolved. Similar problem is discussed in thread While Reading the Excel throw exception but no resolution.
Thanks Pranesh! It is working fine with excel application scope. Could you also tell me the reason behind it. As Read range(even without excel scope) worked fine for me always but this case.
Hi Pradeep open workbook and right click on cells containing Hyperlink and select remove hyperlink .save the workbook and now try Read Workbook instead of Excel application scope.it will work fine.
@pranesh thanks for the answer, it resolved a same issue which I was having but in my case the process failed recently whereas it was working from past one year with read range of workbook.
If you are using read range activity under excel section you should take excel application scope inside do activity need to proved read range.
But excel activity it will work background as well as foreground
If you are taking read range activity under workbook section ,Does not required excel application scope and it will work only background ,if you had already opened excel sheet it will thrown an error.