Read range and add data row errors

Can you post your workflow and let me know what you’re trying to filter? I think either the column specified is the wrong one or the text being filtered for is slightly different than what exists in the datatable.

Change the column number to 14. A datatable starts at index 0, so the column number is 1 less than what you might expect. It looks like the workflow will work with this small change.

This is the result i’m gettingSampl.xlsx (8.8 KB)

What are you typing into the input dialog that appears? Make sure it is not surrounded by quotes when you type it in.

i type the cell info to be searched for

Right, but I just want to verify the exact value you’re looking for. Trying to find where the process is failing.

I’m searching using IPPIS Number

I meant the value you enter when prompted. Are you entering PF0227283 for example?

yes i am

I tested the workflow you sent me before (with the column set to 14), and the workflow succeeded when I changed the sheet name from “Sheet1” to “Ba Wahala”. Can you send me the current workflow you’re using that’s giving you empty data? Also, can you provide a screenshot of the input dialog as you’re entering data? Highlight the data you’re entering as seen in the screenshot I’ve provided (checking for whitespace around the data).


iTS now working Thanks a lot

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