Both showing same output
whether your PDF is scanned one? @Kuldeep_Pandey
I don’t think so it give you the incorrect output.
Share the XAML file
Hello @Kuldeep_Pandey
Are you using the native pdf or the scanned pdf?
If its a native pdf, then you can use
Read pdf text activity
. Else if it is a sanned pdf, you can try using
Read Pdf With Ocr
If its not working with one ocr, try changing the ocr engine and check the output.
If you need only month and year … then use read pdf text and once all the text is there use month = str.Split(“Month”,2,stringsplitoptions.none)(1).trim .Split({Environment.Newline(),” “},2,stringsplitoptions.none)(0)
Replace month with year and repeat same
I Have to put this in the read pdf activity properties of range?
Pls tell me the properties of ocr engine and ocr activity
In read pdf text five the putput variable as str and then use assign activity and add a string variable and add thia as the value
In the formula str is the string variable where the output of read pdf is stored
Range is for specifying how many pages you want to read feom pdf
What is the split condition ?
After Read PDF Text activity can you Use Write Text File activity to check the value are printing correctly?
“Month = Data1.Split(“Month”,2,stringsplitoptions.none)(1).trim .Split({Environment.Newline(),” “},2,stringsplitoptions.none)(0)” condition
And its not giving correct output write text activity
Can you please share the sample input for the Read PDF Text activity? @Kuldeep_Pandey
I cant share full pdf with you
You can try with Regex Expression instead of Split?
Output -> October
Output -> 2022
Please remove month equals and the inverted commas. And give only the part starting from data1
I want unit also so whats the expression
Can you type it as a Text here? @Kuldeep_Pandey
Unit /Plant
How about this expression
Output -> Portchester
Can You pls tell the explanation of this expression