I want to read filename number only.
output round1 = 12
output round2 = 34
Please guide me about it.
I want to read filename number only.
output round1 = 12
output round2 = 34
Please guide me about it.
First use For Each activity and use Directory.GetFileName(“FolderPath”)
Inside For Each place a Assign activity and write as below
fileName = path.GetFileNameWithoutExtenstion(item.ToString)
Once done Place a message box and write system.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(fileName,“\d+”).Value
To see the result
Check below for your reference
Hope this may help you
@fairymemay - Another Approach…
Directory.GetFiles("YourFolderPath").Select(function(x) system.text.regularexpressions.Regex.Match(new fileinfo(x).Name,"^\d+").Value)
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