Read each Excel files from sharepoint as individual Transactions

Hello all,

I would like to read each excel file from a share point as individual transactions in RE framework.

2135.xlsx as Transaction No 1
2329.xlsx as transaction No.2

Note: All Excels in this folder have to be read.

Thanking you.


  1. Use get files/folders activity in initialize and get all the files
  2. Now in get transaction data pass each file as a transaction and use it in process

Here your transaction item would be a driveitem



Use the UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities package to interact with SharePoint. You can use the Find Files and Folders activity to search for Excel files in the SharePoint directory.

Once the file URLs or names are retrieved, you can iterate through each one and add to queue.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

What activity would you use to add the files into queue ? Sorry I’m still a little new to queues


We can’t attach file to the queue. You can only add properties of the file like name, URL creation time etc.

In perfomer you will have to gain use Find Files and Folders activity but this time configure it to get only the current transaction item file.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face: