Read data from pdf and store that data into excel


If you can share your workflow I can make necessary changes…

Sequence1.xaml (13.1 KB) Data from PDF.xlsx (8.6 KB) CamScanner 03-11-2021 16.53_1.pdf (90.4 KB)
Please find the workflow, Pdf and excel file

Sequence1.xaml (15.7 KB)

  1. change the path with your path where you are saving the PDF attachments
  2. Add outlook email and save attachments because I removed it due to project version dependency
  3. Install PDF activities from UiPath Manage packages

Hi @Swetha_V - Adjusted the scaling factor to 2 and added the append range logic, so that when you drop multiple files in that folder, it will automatically write in the next row…

Here is the xaml and files: (125.1 KB)

Hello Pravin_Patil1,
It’s working but the problem is only extracting two words from the Pdf document (DO and NOT) remaining words not extracting. Can you help me with this?
Thanks in Advance…

Add one more assign after read pdf activity


same issue again

Ohh I thought you want only DO and NOT…

Then remove that assign I told you where we have split…

It works fine for me…

Just run the code as it is where we have used microsoft ocr…


@Swetha_V - you didn’t chk my xaml ?? :wink:

Thanks for your support

I have checked yours also it’s working. Thank you for your support…

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