I want my code to fetch enable/disable data row by row from .xlsx file and mark same check /uncheck in the UI path form.what are the UI activities that is required to automate.
For reading excel you can use read range and then for each row in datatable will give row by row…
Apart from that may I know why you want to set in form as if its UiPath form basically its an input to bot…so already bot has the data why to again check/uncheck
Yes,i have tried with read range with for each row, but its not working for the check boxes.The requirement is -config file is having a data as enable/disable .
For example- test123-true
I have created a form with Multiselect check boxes. Instead of directly running it by data binding(collections)i want it to run through Config File. How to make Bot to understand this part.kindly help
If I understand correctly you want to get data from config and process accordingly…
For that read the config…which is in a dictionary…
Now with the dict(“key”).Tostring.Equals(“True”) can be used to check if it is trye or false and proceed accordingly
Please show some screenshots or more if this is not the ask
Thank you for the suggestion. It worked for me.