Read Cell/Write Cell Issue using Google spreadsheet

This message occurs many times during the day, but, if I run the project again, it seems fixed. After some runs, the message comes up again.

Something went wrong with .
Activity Read Cell (Read Cell ) failed:

{“requestId”:“64088ccbe4b0b75afe792f31”,“name”:“2b0a64a8-6dd7-4682-8dc0-bd9e0e9bd42a”,“message”:“User is not authorized”}

You can find the activity by searching id (press Ctrl + J to jump to activity):

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Welcome to the community

Can you try using a retry scope around it so that when error occurs we can retry atleast twice before throwing


Thanks Anil! I’ve already set up a try catch on the process, but at this point, it seems that it’s not getting the error. Could the retry scope definitely be a better solution?


Yes…basically in try catch you only catch and redo the activity in catch…

Instead retry acope if failed will retry the activities inside them Automatically for the max retry number of times


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