I have created a work a following work flow
1.Read Excel sheet(URL, username, password) from Excel sheet
2.Open browser
3.It will opened the specified URL(Which is mentioned in excel sheet)
4.Login the application(Credentials mentioned in excel sheet).
It’s working fine for single user’s. But i want to login for multiple users.
It’s possible for multiple user wants to login, they have different credentials and URL.
yead that was doable but hows the logic in using multiple credentials. Can you share more details @vivek_sivam
Happy learning
Hi @vivek_sivam
When you are saying reading excel for details then I assume you are storing data in dictionary.
If yes, then you will have to mention different keys for different users.
For e.g. if you have two users, then key of user1 should be user1 and value should username/password of user1. And for user2 to key should be user2 and value should username/password of user2.
Once you try to fetch in from dictionary in workflow then fetch it using user specific key.
Like: inDictionary(“User1LoginID”).Tostring
Hope this will help you.
@Vashisht Yes.
@ShenkiSinghai Right now i have used below input string for a user
Ok fine.
Please make sure in your config file for each user key is different like I said.
For user1 login l/username, make your key like User1Username
For user 2, make you key like:
And when accessing this dictionary please use specific key.
1.If you keep like that then the same credentials will be used for every loop.
2.You have to change the names in the excel try to keep the names in the list and use…
hi @vivek_sivam
Hi @ShenkiSinghai
I have declare the values based on the your suggestion, i can able to use multiple user credentials, But my second url open in new browser. I want open my second URL in same browser same tab. Meaning close previous URL and open new URL
Thank you
Hi @vivek_sivam,
Once you are logged out from first application. Please use attach browser and navigateto activity to open second url in same tab.
Can you please give some example to use attach browser. Once my first url click(logout) completed i have added attach browser activity.
Once you logged out. Please do indicste browser page after log out on attach browser, then in attach browser activity use navigate to activity to send new url
Hi @ShenkiSinghai
This is my work flow. I have added “attach browser activity”. When i click on indicate browser inside browser it will navigate to browser. How to i give URL
can you please explain me
Hi @vivek_sivam
Using “Indicate browser inside browser”, please indicate the logout page. Once it’s done please add “NavigateTo” activity inside “Do” scope and please provide the URL of your second website in this activity.