Read and write from csv

hi guys i’m getting a strange error here, i try to read from csv file like this
and write it into an xlsx file using excel application scope and write range activity

look at no.5 and 10, the dates are 11/02/2018 and 10/04/2018, but when i write it to xlsx file, it becomes this

why is this happening ? i notice the row with this error has different date format, it has MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss format while the others have dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm

no 5 format :
the others :

Hi @RobertoEwaldo,

Can you provide your csv file with few rows, where this is happening

here it is @anil5 (1.6 KB)

it happens on row
5 10 13 14 16 17 23 25-28 30 37 40-42 49-53 58 59