Read an excel with 3 columns and for each row concatenate the values

Hello guys, I have a project where I need to create a flow to make the following:

  • Read an excel with 3 columns and for each row concatenate the values from each column and write them as a command into an putty application only if the background of the row is green.
  • Also, i need the script to wait until the command is finished, and after is finished I need to color
    the background of that row with green.
  • I need this flow to run into an loop and to read excel everytime because I need to complete the excel file while the flow running.
    Can you please give me an idea on how the flow should be?
    Thank you!


I did not quite get one part - you need to loop through green cells, and then color them green again?

In any case, the first thing that you will need to do, is to capture the color of cells and you can do that with “Get Cell Color” activity. So loop through all the excel rows, iterating the row number and do the following inside the loop:

  1. Check cell color
  2. IF activity - if the color = green then do the putty commands
  3. To check if the command is finished, you can use a lot of different “wait” activities - you can wait until a specific element, text or picture appears.
  4. Once it is done, color the cell again.