Read a Name in excel sheet and check it in webpage

I want to check “Names” cell by cell in excel sheet and if the name is present in webpage, it should click on view. If the data is in page-2 it should navigate to page-2 and check for data.

Anyone help with this

Find excel sheet and webpage uploaded


Hi Ragul,

You can try to use a while loop to check the names if it matches your condition and assigning it as a variable to find the element that matches on the page.

Hi @Ragul_A
Follow the following Steps.

  • Read the Excel File.
  • Use for each Row to get data from Excel and iterate it row by row.
  • Get the column Values using row(“ColumnName”).tostring. suppose this is ColumnValue1
  • Then scrape the data using data scrapping.
  • then Read that data table in same way.
  • Then get the column name using row(“ColumnName”).tostring. Suppose this is ColumnValue2
  • Then Use the If Condition and provide the condition ColumnValue1=ColumnValue2
  • In the then section do the required process.
    Thanks & Regards
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