Hi Everyone,
My scenario is I have a datatable with dynamic number of rows. I have to divide it into datatables containing 25 rows and process each table one by one.
Can anyone give me a way to approach this using RE framework?
Hi Everyone,
My scenario is I have a datatable with dynamic number of rows. I have to divide it into datatables containing 25 rows and process each table one by one.
Can anyone give me a way to approach this using RE framework?
use the below expression which gives you list Of datatables
dt2.AsEnumerable.Chunk(25).Select(Function(chunk) chunk.CopyToDataTable).ToList
if want to use it without queues or with queues?
Query is fine but consider 103 rows. will it create the last datatable containing 3 rows?
What type of transaction item should i take?
I am trying to do it without queue.
In intialization
Make dttransactiondata as dataype as list of datatables
IO_dttransactiondata as list of datatables
OutTransactionItem as
@Shiva_Nikhil Thanks a lot
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