RDC connection to cloud VM

Hi all,

I just migrated our on-prem bots to the cloud VM. I am able to make a remote desktop connection to the cloud VM using the public static IP from my desktop. However my team members in India are not able to RDC to this cloud VM, they have no issue accessing the cloud orchestrator. What could be the issue here?


Is the VM in a private cloud? if so they might need a proxy to connect to the VM or a VPN


Thanks @Anil_G . My cloud VM is hosted by UiPath and I believe it’s in the public cloud. They can’t connect with or w/o VPN, but I have no issue connecting either way.

Hi @Bearcats96

Double-check the remote desktop configuration on the cloud VM to ensure it allows remote connections from multiple users and is properly set up to accept incoming connections.


@Nitya1 Thanks! We are actually using the same service account login and it works fine for me.