Queue item value not truly "empty"

The load queue is reading data from an Excel input file. However, when I look at the queue in Orchestrator, empty Excel values are not actually on “empty”.

Consequently in the process queue, item.isnullorempty does not work because it will read " ".

How can I easily solve this without checking that every variable (there are a lot) is actually empty empty?

Thank you!

Hi @JP_de_Bles

Better to filter the excel rows which don’t have null value before sending data to the queues.

- If -> Not String.isnullorempty(Currentrow("Columnname"))

Hope it helps!!

Hi @mkankatala

I do not want to remove the entire row in the queue in Orchestrator. I just want to make sure that empty cells are actually read as empty cells and not as “” when the Excel input file has a specific layout such as “text” or “general” or “number”.

Use IsNullorWhitespace instead of IsNullorEmpty

Hi @JP_de_Bles

I think while uploading to queue while passing item information

Try like this so that whatever value is in " " will be converted to empty

Assume field1 is column name of one in excel file

While passingr data to queue item pass the value like below

if(CurrentRow(“field1”).To string.Trim.Equals(“”),String.Empty,CurrentRow(“field1”).To string.Trim)

I hope this helps you !

Mark it as solution if it resolved your query

Thanks & Regards,
Nived N

Happy Automation


You can use a .Trim which will trim any whitespaces even if it is one
