Question for typing and saving function

Dear fellows,

Every time an automation is operated, a file name typing and save process is included.
As you can see below screenshot, the file name for today is “0312”.
Tomorrow, it needs to be “0313”.
The image shows a Korean Windows file save dialog with a text file named "0312" selected for saving. (Captioned by AI)

Can you advise for any methods ?

Hi @PARK_Bin

Can you try to save by today’s date

todayDate = Now.ToString("MMdd")



If you want like sequence way then

You need to store the last used number (e.g., “0312”) in Asset
Then use the Asset value,
after process use Set Asset activity to store next value like below

lastNumber = Int32.Parse(lastNumberString) + 1
newNumber = lastNumber.ToString(“0000”)

In Set Asset activity give newNumber


Can this work ?


It will work





M is for month and m is for mulinutes use accordingly


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