Question about the REFramework

Hi, I was wondering why you would test whether a transaction item is a queue item or not and then do nothing with the outcome?
This happens in SetTransactionStatus>SetTransactionStatus>Success, as wel as in SetTransactionStatus>SetTransactionStatus>Handle Business Rule Exception.
Only in SetTransactionStatus>SetTransactionStatus>Handle System Error you make a difference.
Is this done for reasons of uniformity???

On the other hand, in the UiPath_REFramework manual it says that in the SetTransactionStatus.xaml workflow

Each branch analyzes the type of content of TransactionItem. If its not empty and is a
QueueItem, then it means we are using a Orchestrator queue, so we must call the “Set
Transaction Status” activity to inform Orchestrator about the outcome of our transaction. If
TransactionItem is not a QueueItem, we can skip passing it and the “Set Transaction Status”
activity will not be triggered.

I’m confused and don’t get it.
Can anyone explain please?

The RE framework is only for reference as best practise, you can make necessary changes for this framework or have your own framework.

Never mind, I forgot I removed the “Set transaction status” activity a few days ago :blush:

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