Question about compatibility with Citrix PVS and also trial license keys

Installer(.exe or .msi):

License type(Free, Trial/License code): Trial

Studio/Robot version:

Current behavior: Not yet installed


Hi Everybody,

I am trying to start a pilot with the UIPath software and have applied for a trial key (twice). I received the email, but the space where the license key shoudl be is empty. Is there any other way to obtain a trial license key?

Also, i read in the online documentation that Installation on Citrix where the system changes computername during startup is not supported. We use Citrix provisioning services in a randon non persistant mode and the virtual desktops name does change during startup. Is Citrix PVS supported or is there any documentation available about it?

We user Citrix Xendesktop 7.15 with PVS 7.12 for Windows 10 VDI desktops.

thanks in advance!

Hi, just as i finished this post i received a trial key by email through support. So that’s taken care off. thanks.

The question about Citrix still stands tho, if anybody has any experience with it and wants to share that would be great :slight_smile:

it’s been a while and i have worked with UIpath support to make the robot and studio working in our environment. In the end the studio had problems activating on our VDI desktop (because of random non-persistant disks). The robot also had problems registering the correct user to the Orchestrator.

So for our pilot we used a dedicated server through RDP and stopped trying on our VDI system.

@JAD, i want to hear more about your experience. So you deploy your robots inside Citrix in a dedicated server through RDP, right?
did you use the Hight Density deployment for the robots?
Have you faced any constraints or problems?

Hi Sawsan,

We dont use the robot directly in Citrix (yet). Our users log on to a Citrix VDI desktop. We first tried to get the robot working within the VDI desktop. Technically the robot functions, but we had problems registering and activating the studio and robot software automatically.

To work around this we installed a separate server which is deployed as a high density server (but we are only using it for testing at the moment, so it’s not really high density looking at the amount of users).

So from the VDI desktop users log on to this server using RDP.

We haven’t had any problems with running the uipath software on the RDP server. Of course this does add an extra server to your inventory which will need all client software installed. But then if you choose to run scheduled processes via the Orchestrator i think it’s better to run those on a server anyway rather then a VDI desktop.

We are still working on the issue to make the robot register itself to the orchestrator with the correct user.

Do you know enough? If not, let me know!


So I understand you better, the users login to the High-Density server using RDP in case of attended robots, right?
The UiPath Studio is also installed in this server, right?

we are in the phase of ordering the hardware, as soon as we start the installation and deployment I will share any useful information.

Thank you very much!

Hi Sawsan,

Yes, you understand correctly.The users log into High-Density servers using RDP for attended robot’s. This server also contains the Studio software.
Because we are still in a testing phase we currently use 2 servers. 1 for the Orchestrator software and 1 High Density Server with the robot and studio software.
On this High Density server we test attended robot’s but also unattended ones.

Good luck with your installation!