Query sum and group of the row


Need your help and advise on how to get the output as below using linq query.
simplified query query. Using looping and if command take the process too long. I need to process more than 200 row items.

sample input

Location transaction invoiceno Status POno date1 Amount Term status
PJ Invoice AM-370721A Standard 1198335 23/7/2021 274560 N90 Unpaid
Invoice AM-370721 Standard 1196703 23/7/2021 89310 N90 Unpaid
Invoice JA-420821F Standard 1208100 13/8/2021 366300 N90 Unpaid
Invoice JA-420821E Standard 1199970 13/8/2021 165000 N90 Unpaid
Invoice JA-420826 Standard 1199970 13/8/2021 165000 N90 Unpaid

and sample output

Location transaction invoiceno Status date1 Amount Term status
PJ Invoice AM-370721 Standard 23/7/2021 89310 N90 Unpaid
Invoice JA-420821 Standard 13/8/2021 531300 N90 Unpaid
Invoice JA-420826 Standard 13/8/2021 165000 N90 Unpaid

attached sample excel file that need to process.sample input and output.xlsx (10.0 KB)


  • first suggestion deleted due wrong interpretated requirement
  • corrected LINQ → below
  • requirement / sample update done by the author → below

Also have a look here (LINQ and GroupBy):

Hi the output supposed which delete the last char and sum up of it as below output.

Location transaction invoiceno Status date1 Amount Term status
PJ Invoice AM-370721 Standard 23/7/2021 36380 N90 Unpaid
Invoice JA-420821 Standard 13/8/2021 531300 N90 Unpaid
Invoice JA-420826 Standard 13/8/2021 165000 N90 Unpaid

working with a prepared dtResult:


(From d In dtData.AsEnumerable
Let ik = Regex.Replace(d("invoiceno").toString.Trim,"[A-Za-z]+$","")
Group d By k=ik Into grp=Group
Let sm = grp.Sum(Function (x) CInt(x("Amount").toString.Trim))
Let g = grp.First()
Let ra = New Object(){g(0), g(1), k, g(3), g(5),sm, g(7), g(8)}
Select dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable

ensure: System.Text.RegilarExpressions is added to the imports


Thanks Peter, it works thanks again for your help :+1:

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