Python Scope: Python deserialization exception

Hi, I am getting this error while running a python script.

I need help with two things -

  1. How to fix the above issue. It comes up randomly. Mostly the entire process runs just fine. However, every 2-3 minutes into the loop, this error comes up, stopping the entire process.
  2. If this can’t be fixed, which exception should I select in the Try catch activity? “System.Exception” cannot catch it. I can’t select any python related exception either.

Annoyed af right now.


Welcome to UiPath forum

For this, May be we can tell on what type of output data is obtained based on which we can do some change

But for this
We can decide based on the exception type we are getting along EXCEPTION MESSAGE
Usually System.Exception can pick all kind of exceptions

But still once that error pop up comes look for the error type and choose the same in catch block as well

Cheers @Vaibhavsharda

Hi, I recently also encountered this exception.
My process has been running well for more than 1 year, but I started to get this python deserialization exception randomly and couldn’t find the pattern.

Is there any update from UiPath team which led to this issue? Hope to get some advice on this. Thanks!