Publish to Orchestrator option is disabled in v2018.4

Hi All,

I have recently upgraded to 2018.4 and made few updates on my existing UiPath project.

When I was trying to publish it, I found Orchestrator option is disabled (refer the screenshot). Whereas I could publish the project into my local machine & able to import it into into Orchestrator.


Anyone please help me to understand & resolve this.


This is how it looks where your robot is not connected to Orchestrator.
Is your Robot connected?


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Thank you @Florent_Salendres, may be it’s because of the connectivity issue.

I have installed v2018.4 (studio) without uninstalling my existing Studio v2018.2.6.

I have resolved this issues by uninstalled the existing version of Studio and installed the latest Studio v2018.4. Now its working fine :slight_smile:

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