Publish Packages to orchestrators with Azure DevOps

In the case you have 3 orchestrators (development, test, production) you have to do a lot of manual work with uploading packages to different orchestrators.

This guide shows step by step how to create a CD/CI pipeline which do the follwing things:

  1. After a commit to a branch it creates a nuget packages and uploads it to TEST orchestrator
  2. After an approval the packages will also be deployed to the PRODUCTION orchestrator.


Step 1: Create Repository
Create a new GIT repository on Azure DevOps

Step 2: Setup Build
(With this step you create the mechanisme that a new nugetpackaged will be builded after a commit to the branch. Is also creates the artifact used in step 3)

  1. Create a new Build with
    Click “New” → “New build pipeline”

  2. Select «Use the classic editor»

  3. Select Repository and Branch

  4. Click “Empty job”

  5. Select Agent Pool
    (Important: Agent must have access to orchestrator. In our company we must select an internal build server)

  6. Add UiPath task
    Click on “+” and then search for uipath and then press install.

  7. Adding Variables

    $(counter(x,y) → x is stepsize, y is starting point – more infos here (under “Set variables using expressions”)

  8. Set the following setting:

    $(studioVersion) Variable is set to “19.10.1” $(version) Variable is set to “$[counter(1,1)]”

  9. Add “Publish build artifacts” Task

  10. Change settings of this task

Step 3: Create Release for deploy to TEST Orchestrator
(With this step we create the mechanisme that the created packages will be upload automatic to test server)

  1. Click on “Releases”

  2. Click “New” → “New release pipeline”

  3. Click “Empty Job”

  4. Click “Add an artifact”

  5. Select Build (build from previous step)

  6. Click on “1 job, 0 task”

  7. Click on “Agent job” and set the parameters

  8. Click on + next to Agentjob and add “UiPath Integration” Task

  9. Set task settings

    With following variables:

    Important: Create a user in orchestrator and use username (like “buildserver” here and password here.

  10. Set Trigger

Step 4: Create Release for deployment to PRODUCTIVE Orchestrator
Do the same as “Step 3” also for the productive orchestrator and add triggers when the deployment should be executed.

Finally, it should look like:

Next steps

  • Include Workflow Analyzer to pipeline

Open points:

  • Direct upload and update of process should be possible. :slight_smile:

Good Job. @Stephu :ok_hand::ok_hand:

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Hi @Stephu

Cool tutorial! I moved it to the FAQ section.

Please consider including the entire content in the post instead of the attached PDF (if you find time). It is one less step for a user to get to your nice guide this way :slight_smile:


Thanks - Done. Now you can take a look with your team that this devops task in azure from uipath can activate uploaded packages directly :wink:


nice Work awesome . i want to see more from you dear

Nice tutorial

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Very good tutorial with clear steps… Thanks for capturing the details :slight_smile:. This is very useful for enterprise customers with CI/CD for large scale automation projects.

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Good one.

Hi all,

now i’m doing a a concept test and the steps of do a package and auto versioning is running ok but when i’m trying to do the deploy step i am getting this:

error “The operation returned an error: 1000: Invalid credentials, failed to login.”

a few days ago i’m looking for answers, and i dont know what to do , the process is traing to deploy to UiPath cloud plataform. can you plz give and advice thanks.

I had the same in the case I used my “admin”user to login. For try create a new user with all rights and try again.

Hello Stephu thanks for your reply,

i can’t create or modify user because i’m on community plan. :worried:


December 27
Hello Stephu thanks for your reply,

i can’t create or modify user because i’m on community plan.

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Robot Apprentice

December 27
I had the same in the case I used my “admin”user to login. For try create a new user with all rights and try again.

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I I tested only on full version and do not know community versuo

This is very useful for beginners as well Thank you.But how can we exclude some files or flows(for example test Cases) before creating the package itself?

I think You have to rightclick on file and set as privat. but i am not sure

Too bad, I’m stuck at this simple point just missing the deployment and I’m done :sleepy:

Whats about if you go to to your account and invite another user?

Are we able publish different packages for different repositories or something like that ?

Yes you can clone an existing pipeline and change parameters for another repository

I wrote with uipath support. They are working that the upload of libraries also work. And there should also be a solution to activate a package directly :grinning:. But they cannot give a date when this will work. :confused:

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