Publish complete process from test to production without logging in on server


We just got a new production-enviroment that by our new best practice should not be accesed unless critical error.

We hoped that it was possible to export a nuget package from orchestrator that origins from the test enviroment to the new production enviroment. Is this possible?

Yes. You can export a .nuget package from one orchestrator to another.

  1. Navigate to your test orchestrator
  2. Click on the Packages Tab
  3. click the view versions button (right most button) on the package you’d like to export:
  4. Click More Options:
  5. Click Download Package:
  6. Navigate to your Production Orchestrator
  7. Click on the Packages Tab
  8. Click upload:
  9. Select the .nuget package you downloaded from your other Orchestrator
  10. click Upload