Pubblish Project

Hello, I have a question for you. After creating a project with ui path studio community, i wanted to click on “Setup Extensions”, but by mistake I clicked on “Pubblish”. Nothing happens true?

Thanks you very mach

There is nothing to worry. By click publish, that package is archived in a folder and if you are connected to orchestrator that package is available there. If someone else uses that then you might want to notify that.

Thanks @rachrahul2 for the replay. The project I published by mistake, it is a sample project, with errors. Is it possible to cancel it? I’m using uipath studio community, I think I do not have access to uipath orchestration.
Thanks you very mach

If you are not connected to a orchestrator then you don’t have to worry about it.

Ah ok :slight_smile: I installed ui path studio community, so i guess i do not have access to orchestration. Is there a way to verify this? Thanks you very mach

Hi @anon395538,

Yes.Don’t worry. nothing goes wrong. It will show the project publish message.
you can see the nuget package of the project in this path “C:\ProgramData\UiPath\Packages”.


Thank you all @rachrahul2 and @balupad14 :slight_smile:

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