Proxy settings for online activation

We have so many inquiries that online activation fails because customer’s internet environment requires proxy settings. I would say 50% of Japanese customers requires proxy. On behalf, we must ask customer to do offline activation, but it is troublesome. Even worse, offline activation actually causes many other inquiries. I know Orchestrator’s centralized licensing can help this, but customer tend to start with 10-20 attended robots with no Orchestrator.

As for resolution, why don’t we provide this kind of small dialog to configure proxy settings for activation?


Been trying to activate community edition from behind a proxy for almost two weeks.
It’s killing us.


Hi @kryten, your proxy requires username and password authentication?

~Diego Turati

Hi @kryten,

There’s no way to use Community Version when you have proxy authentication that requires username and password without including a firewall rule. What you can do and it was the same i did here at UPS , is to connect internet outside your company network just to activate you license.

Aftert that you can great your own bots. But, you won’t be able to establish connection with the orchestrator.

To fix that you can include a firewall rule or have the orchestrator on premise installed in your company network.

Let me know the results.

~Diego Turati

Hi Diego,

Can you specify the firewall rules/whitelisted sites which are needed to activate community via proxy. Tho what we did is same on your case, wherein we lift the proxy settings just to activate the license for 15 mins.

My concern is on the time when the community license expires, we will need to redo this again to reactivate which requires multiple approvals on our side. :frowning:

Hi @Emman_Pelayo, well, from my site we have a specific team responsible for the firewall rules, i really don’t know what they included on it. But, here we implemented on premise servers to run the orchestrator and our robots.

Since CE is just to POC and training, sometime you need to need the full license. So, I Do recommend use this workaround by know and work in parallel to have the correct environment to run.

~Diego Turati