Ive been working on my project for weeks and it has been working great. I went to go open it today to work on it (last night it was working perfectly) and the project is completly blank as if im starting from new. I don’t have a backup. Why would everything just disapear? Im at a total loss, please tell me there is an explenation for this.
2019.8.0 - 8/29/2019
Community Edition
EXE Installer
Thanks for your response. I have updated a my porject dependencies and nothing has changed. Im starting to panick a little bit. Is there a way to get my work back?
Ive completly disabled windows defender and no luck. These are the packages I have upated. It looks like it remembes absolutley nothing from my project before the update. variables, nothing. My other basic test project is loading just fine.
Only possible explanation is that your computer must have shutdown unexpectedly. You may be able to find the file in the temp folder. Do %temp% in CMD and search for the file.
@mmimadi Could you please try this approach, its better to spend a few minutes searching for the file in Temp folder. As to why/how the workflow got cleared, I have no idea as I haven’t faced any similar issues.
Note: The name of the file won’t be the same, so you’d have to search for the extension i.e. *.xaml
@mmimadi As @carmen mentioned, it looks like the window was simply closed. Did you try double-clicking on NewActivity.xaml in the “Projects” section to open the file?
oh my god you are a saint!!! it worked!!! thank you so much!
When i click save as to create a backup, it doesnt remember the elements it needs to select to run its task. Do i need to copy the engtire project folder?
@mmimadi I think the selectors are remembered, only the “reference image” is missing. Click on the Activity and examine “Selector” under “Target” in “Properties”. You should see the selector still there.
The image you see is ONLY a reference and has NO bearing on how the robot operates.
That being said, you should backup the entire folder if you’d like a smooth recovery. UI Studio has built in Git functionality that can tie into free, remote git servers - which would effectively act as not only version control, but, remote backup as well. This can be found under the “Team” section of the “Start” tab.