Processing Work Items based on List of

Hi @iVaibhav

Please find the following activity which you can implement while clicking particular WIID, Please note you need to build a logic to iterate through each navigation pages in the work item table from acme website and use the following activities

Use get Attribute activity to get the table row of the particular WIID, which gives O/P variable name say- getAttributeTableRowValue with the selector <html app='chrome.exe' title='ACME System 1 - Work tems' /> <webctrl tag='TABLE' /><webctrl tag='TD' aaname='56164540' colName='WIID' />

Then use click acitivity with the above table row with the following selector

This activity with the selector <html app='chrome.exe' title='ACME System 1 - Work Items' /><webctrl tag='BUTTON' colName='Actions' tableCol='1' tableRow='"+getAttributeTableRowValue.ToString+"' />
