Process Running too long in Orchestrator (non-stop run)

Hi team,

I published a process in orchestrator, and the process is running for too long hours (over 8 hrs until I killed it). Just FYI - I tested it locally on the production environment and it is working fine running for about half an hour to complete the process. I have done this multiple times from my machine. Is there any potential reason why it’s running for non-stop in orchestrator? Please let me know if you need more information.

Hi @Sisay_Dinku ,

At this point, the control is in your hands and you should be able to detect the point of Delay if there is a fault in the Process. But however you have ensured the working in the Dev/Test, so we ask to check the Logs in the Orchestrator if an Efficient logging mechanism is done.

This way we’ll be able to identify the point of fault. Also make sure when switching between environments, the adherence to process inputs and its necessities are in place.

You should be using Log Messages at each step so you can see where the automation is hanging. Are there any prompts you left in your code, like Message Box, that it’s sitting waiting for someone to complete?